Melissa Schultz Local Lupus Alliance

Melissa Schultz Treasurer of the Local Lupus Alliance

Favorite Quote
“If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t you are also right, so think positively and see what you can accomplish!” -Melissa Schultz

“Look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up with gratitude.” -Zig Ziglar

Education and Occupation
Philanthropist and owner of Melissa was established in 1998 providing services that allow non-profits and entrepreneurs grow. For the past two decades, Melissa has continued to work with business and non-profits across the country to help them coordinate all of the details of running their organization. As a graduate of Western Technical College, her education has continued through various trainings and certifications to keep apprised of technology, social media, website building and financial records. Organization is vital. It is something that is second nature to Melissa. Realizing that many people struggle to be organized, she has found that using her gift and skillset to help others brings great satisfaction.

What brought you to the LLA and what intrigued you about serving?
Renee and Richard brought me to LLA. With the challenges that they have faced together as Richard copes with this difficult disease, I have admired their positive attitude and wanted to help in some small way. With my background working with non-profits, I believe I can help organizationally as LLA establishes itself, raises funds and allocates those funds to those who need that extra help. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish and how we can provide that hope to others.

Has your life been touched by Lupus, and how?

My life has been touched by Lupus through Richard. Renee and I have become friends and it has made me aware of what an awful and debilitating disease this is! A cure needs to be found and in the meantime, we need to do what we can to help those who are affected by it.

Hobbies and interests
I really enjoy doing just about anything with my family as well as organizing, scrapbooking, bike riding, gardening, watching movies, and exploring this beautiful area!

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